Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life with a purpose

As Marie and I were driving to church this morning, we reflected on certain things that we hope to accomplish this year, involving anything from secular jobs, life at home, with family, earthly possessions, and most importantly, a life with God. We realized how imperative, how crucial it is to place God before anything else ("Seek ye first the Kingdom of , His righteousness; and all these things shall be added onto you...") in order to have a successful life. It is no coincidence that He mentioned it very clearly on His word. We discussed the importance of being accountable to one's self for everything we do, on a daily basis, as well as on a yearly basis. If we wish to accomplish certain things, we must have a vision for them, a goal and work towards fulfilling that goal every second of every day. Well, to our complete surprise we arrived at church and the first thing our pastor said is the very same thing. He actually had an outline of the things we, as a church, need to do in order to achieve our goals. He has a vision, where he wants the church to go, and he encouraged the church to commit to certain things, funny enough, we had to write down our commitments (in order to hold ourselves accountable) and work towards that vision.
I think it is a time to reflect on where we are, as individuals, as a nation, and most importantly, as children of God.

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