Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hidden Truth About Vaccinations

Are vaccines really safe and effective? What about the link to Autism? Join me as I discussed why ...

We said "NO" to immunizations.

It is better to embrace an ugly truth than to find comfort in a beautiful lie.

Here is another biggie, controversial issue amongst new parents, and parents to be. Should you immunize your child? Only you can answer that question, however, if you say 'NO', be prepared for some very harsh criticism.

I am not a medical doctor, nor a nutritionist (although I am a nutraceutical consultant) and I do not claim to know all the answers, however, I have done a little bit of research on this topic and that is what I want to present to you, actually not everything because there are hundreds of studies that can be presented to prove why vaccines are bad, but it would take hours to post them here and more hours for you to read, so I will try to be short and to the point.

(By the way, I am not totally anti-vaccine, as some vaccines ARE necessary, for instance, I had a set of rabies shots when I was younger after a dog that was allegedly infected with rabies bit me)
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Let's start with the evil ingredient called Thimerosal. It is ethyl mercury. It has been implicated in some horrible deceases in our children today including Autism, ADD and ADHD. Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by delayed or impaired social or communication skills. It is not a psychiatric disorder.

Autism is an epidemic that is increasing at shocking rates (read on..)

At one time Polio affected 1 in 3000 Americans and was announced an epidemic, yet in 2010 as many as 1 in 58 boys has a form of autism, but autism is NOT consider a national emergency. It may be the most underacknowledged and misunderstood healthcare crisis that our country has ever seen. To give you a perspective in the 1970 Autism affected 1 in 10,000 children. Last year the Journal Pediatric stated that 1 in 91 children in the US are affected by this serious disability, yet time and again the media, government and medical community discusses Autism with no real alarm, focusing mostly on early diagnosis and intervention. The message consistently given to the public is that problems of Autism is not really skyrocketing. We're led to believe that Autism has always existed in these proportions. The important question is, can this be true?

For a moment lets discuss the characteristics of Autism. Those affected by Autism may show withdrawal, excessive fear, rigid or repetitive motions, lack of eye contact and hypersensitivity to light and noise. In many cases the person's skills are limited or he lacks communications skills entirely. It is a very serious disability. Research shows that as these children go into adulthood, 98% of them are unable to live alone, unable to work independently and have very limited social interaction.

Could this disability really go unnoticed for these many years as they want us to believe? If this were true, then why is our country so unprepared for what  the future holds for the coming wave of autistic adults. Researchers believe that the lifetime care for a person with autism is now estimated at nearly 3.5 million dollars, thus making it almost impossible to sustain such population, as we lack the facilities let alone the funding to care for autistic people.

The epidemic is unquestionable. Now I am not here to talk so much about Autism, but about the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations.

1. Vaccines are toxic.

*Vaccines contain substances poisonous to humans (i.e. mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, etc.) Vaccine package inserts MUST contain this and other information required by law to be disclosed to the public. Although these inserts are produced for consumers, doctors do not make them available to their patients.

*Vaccines are grown on and contain foreign tissue and altered genetic material of both human and animal origin.

2. Immunization (the act of injecting vaccines) depresses and disables brain and immune function. Honest, unbiased scientific investigation has shown vaccinations to be a causative factor in many illnesses including:

*Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (aka SIDS, crib or cot death)

*developmental disorders (autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, etc.)

*immune deficiency (i.e. AIDS, Epstein Barre Syndrome, etc.)

*degenerative disease (i.e. muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, cancer, leukemia, lupus, fibromyalgia, etc.)

3. The high rate of adverse vaccine reactions is being ignored and denied by conventional medicine.

*Prior to 1990, doctors were not legally required to report adverse reactions to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

*Adverse reactions are considered "normal", are ignored or diagnosed as other diseases. Even with this poor system, reported damage is substantial.

*Despite their current legal obligation, less than 10% of doctors report the damage they witness to the CDC.

*Throughout history, many prominent medical and non-medical health professionals around the world have voiced their vehement opposition to vaccination calling it scientific fraud.

4. Mass Vaccination Programs systematically and recklessly endanger the public while disregarding our rights.

*Since vaccination breaks the skin, it is technically a surgery. All surgeries by law require informed consent. Informed consent is rarely attained before vaccines are administered.

*Doctors vaccinate the unwitting and uninformed. The vaccine manufacturers' package inserts which contain biased industry claims and the bare minimum required by law to reveal are not routinely made available to consumers so that they can make a more informed choice.

*Double-talk and unethical enforcement such as threats, intimidation and coercion are used to ensure vaccination compliance.

5. There is no proof that vaccinations are safe or effective.

*There are no control group studies. Authorities consider that "to not vaccinate" is unethical and have refused to study unvaccinated volunteers. If control studies were done according ' to honest science, vaccination would be outlawed.

*Studies which have been done are not designed to eliminate the examiners bias. Authorities who compile and report disease statistics work closely with and have a vested interest in companies which produce the vaccines. In other industries, this kind of bias is not tolerated. Injuries and deaths in these studies are attributed to anything but vaccination to skew the results and make it appear that vaccines have some merit.

6. Laws allow drug companies to violate the public trust.

*In private vaccine damage suits, information is revealed condemning vaccines as deadly.

*Vaccine manufacturers use "gag orders" as a leverage tool in vaccine damage legal settlements to restrict the plaintiff from disclosing to the public the truth about the dangerous nature of vaccines. Our government has allowed these unethical tactics to be used which jeopardize public welfare.

7. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1987 is a pacifier.

*This compensation program pretends to acknowledge the existence of vaccine damage by making "right" the wrongs done. Nothing in this Act attempts to avert these adverse events from happening in the future.

*This Act is the result of vaccine producers pressuring the government to "immunize" them from private lawsuits which can run an average of $4 million per case.

*The fund is made up of tax added into the cost to the consumer of each vaccine, thereby making vaccine consumers pay for one another's and perhaps their own injury; the vaccine manufacturers have made themselves quite "immune" from accountability. In recent years it has become even more difficult to be compensated through this program due to the parameters for determining vaccine damage changing and coroners now ruling out vaccine damage and charging the parents with Shaken Baby Syndrome.

8. Private insurance companies, which do the best liability studies, have totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property due to:

*Acts of God

*Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents


9. Vaccination is not emergency medicine.

*It is claimed that vaccines avert a possible future risk and yet people are pressured to decide on the spot. A doctor's use of fear and intimidation to force compliance is not ethical. Vaccines are drugs with potential serious adverse reactions. Time and forethought should be given before a decision is made.

10. There is no law enforcing vaccination for babies or anyone else.

*Vaccination is linked with school attendance but is not compulsory. Exemptions from vaccinations, although restricted and monitored, are part of every state public health law and can be expanded by public pressure.

*Departments of Health, Education and the American Medical Association personnel profit from the sale of vaccines. They keep the existence of and details about exemptions relatively unknown.

There is a plethora of information out there for those who want to learn more about this issue. Some great books are:

1. "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor" by Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn
2. “Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages” by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
3. "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Vaccines." by Dr/ Stephanie Cave
4. "Medisin" by Dr. Jose Fleming

 "With an increase sense of knowledge, comes an increase sense of responsibility"


Monday, November 22, 2010

Why we said NO to routine infant circumcision - Part 1

*Warning: This post contains graphic content, viewer discretion is advised*

Παρακαλώ κάντε κλικ στο "Μετάφραση " στο κόκκινο γραμμή εργαλείων παρακάτω και επιλέξτε ελληνικά για να μεταφράσει τη σελίδα

View part 2 HERE                 
Δείτε μέρος 2 ΕΔΩ

Circumcision is one of those 'taboo" subjects in Church today, also a highly debatable one. Although most people don't give circumcision any thought at all, few others do their diligent research, however, a lot of the information available is not necessarily Bible-based. 

I will attempt to give this part series my best shot at somehow shining some light on an otherwise dark subject (by no means am I trying to stir up debate, simply stating the facts that we've researched and compiled them for you).

We have a 17 month old boy, and are expecting our second one the first week in January. To my wife and I, our children are a gift from heaven, and thus we try to make our best to raise them in a God-fearing, loving home. We both have been raised in Christian homes and have attended church our entire life, however, for some strange reason, this topic has never been publicly discussed (at least as far as we can remember). 

Just before our first baby was born, we began researching routine infant circumcision, and although the information we found was compelling, we remained undecided because there was not enough medical evidence to suggest that it was in any way beneficial to have our son circumcised. After talking to our healthcare providers, chiropractors, and a few other people we trust, we came to the conclusion that it wasn't our decision to make, but rather his. 

Still unconvinced if we made the right decision, we did a lot more research, as it seemed very odd to go against the 'norm' - what we learned not only reiterated that we made the right decision, but also that this practice is somewhat barbaric (read on...).

I will start by saying that medical reasons are unjustifiable, as declared by the American Academy of Pediatrics. (The Academy concluded that there was no absolute medical indication for routine circumcision ... see more

For decades, parents have been lied to and deceived about infant circumcision. Some years back doctors actually believed that babies (both newly born and those still in the womb) felt NO PAIN, similar to what abortionist believe that because a baby is still in the womb, they feel no pain, thus mass murdering them is acceptable because they don't feel anything. 

Today, however, science has proven that babies not only feel pain, but in fact, they feel it more acutely than any other age group, simply because their nerve endings are fresh and uncalloused. 

Shockingly, many baby boys are STILL subjected to surgery without anesthesia, something we wouldn't normally do to even our pets!!

To put this into perspective, let's look at how a typical circumcision procedure is performed.

Innocent newborns have their wrists and ankles strapped down to a table as their tightly closed foreskins are ripped open and stretched to near the tearing point. Then a scalpel is used to amputate square inches of healthy, sensitive skin. (Imagine yourself in this situation.) The cutting is slow and painful and babies usually respond in one of two ways. Either with screaming (which can last from several minutes to several hours) or with a sudden lapse into a state that resembles unconsciousness.

This deep sleep has been studied by scientists who remark that it is deeper than any other form of sleep known to mankind. This desperate withdrawal is the body's coping mechanism for dealing with a pain too intense for the brain to process.

After it is all over, if there are no surgical complications, the parents are given back their formerly perfect, now-wounded child with his red, raw, bleeding genitals tightly bandaged, and given instructions for how to care for the wound with petroleum jelly and other protective lubricants. Some babies don't recover emotionally, as lactation consultants say "nursing strikes" are not uncommon. One woman we spoke with said that her baby boy had nursed fine the day prior to his circumcision, but after the painful procedure was over, he wouldn't go near her breasts. Try as she might to coax him, he wanted nothing to do with her, and she was forced to bottlefeed him permanently. Similar stories abound.

So why are 25% of all newborns (50% of baby boys) still made to suffer this inarguably excruciating, outdated procedure?

1. Conformity
2. Cleanliness
3. Confusion

I will elaborate on those three reasons in part 2 of this series. Also, stayed tuned to see what the Bible really says about this barbaric practice. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Facebook Spell

facebook me, look me up on facebook, request me, tag, like, comment me.. etc. some of the typical phrases for facebook users.
Picture courtesy of Google Images
Are you on Facebook?

If you are then you're probably familiar with the typical status update wars that go on there. Some people update so much that it really makes you want to 'defriend' (yes, that is a word) them or simply block future updates from them. 

"Wait a minute... why am I reading about facebook?" you might ask, well, because facebook has over 500 million 'active' subscribers who spend an average of 700 billion minutes per month on facebook, to put it into perspective, the US has approximately a population of 308 Million People, so Facebook has more than double the amount of subscribers as the entire population of the USA!

Although there are many people who I personally like to follow on facebook, there are a few who I wish somehow I could ignore altoghether (in fact I do). Sometimes I also wish there was a 'Dislike' button to show a little bit of my disapproval of certain updates, but instead I choose to ignore them, as there isn't much I can do, other than to witness to them by my own testimony. 

Some people make it a point to complain about their horrible life, their spouses, their parents, their boss, job, or how they wished it was Friday already. I'd say they should be grateful they have a job, spouse and their parents! 

Then you have the typical stalkers who don't really say much, but they are in everyone's business. That's why I've limited my information and restricted my privacy setting for only my friends. 

But you know, facebook isn't all that bad if you set boundaries and don't abuse it. I've come to use it more as a tool to reach out to certain people. Of course I want to keep in touch with friends who I have not seen for years, decades, but also to promote my convictions. 

What really shocks me is when my own "Christian" friends come to attack me on my page because I'm standing up for something I truly believe in. 
Take for instance my stand on abortion. I am Pro-Life, and until my friends started attacking me for being Pro-Life, I realized that it's a divided issue even in the church today. I couldn't believe how many Christians rationalize abortion because the 'Spirit of the Age' says in many instances it is ok, so they learn to tolerate it, and somehow believe it's ok because the baby is not yet born. 

That is, in my opinion, the single most devastating issue in our society, and the heaviest on God's heart.

The thing that makes Facebook worthwhile is when I get emails from people who after reading some of my reasonings on the issues that I speak against or in favor of, they being to change their perspective on them. 

That's when I am grateful to have this tool (facebook) at my disposal. 

Some people argue that 'social' life is just a phase. I would argue that social life will take over a great deal of our society. It's no longer something we can ignore, nor is it the fact that Christians here in the West are fading away very quickly. 

We've become such a "tolerant" society, we've been blinded to what really is happening in our world. We are no longer people of prayer, heck, even Christians (such as my facebook friends) are very tolerant to what the devil has to offer, such as homosexuality in the church, less political involvement, and allowing our rights to be stripped away, such as our freedom of speech!

The Bible says it very clearly in Matt 24:12 that "because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold" - It really describes to the T what is happening in our world today. 

I believe it all goes hand-in-hand with Biblical prophesy about the end of times, and although I know this will sound very cliché-ish, it truly is time for the remnant of God to take a stand for our Judeo-Christian values, and to defend them as our forefathers did. 

Do you have any stories about your facebook experience? 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shalom Mishpocha!

Shalom Mishpocha! Mishpocha is a Hebrew word that means "family." We are the 'family' of God, made up of Jew and Gentile without the barrier wall of separation.

This is the phrase (or close to it) that Sid Roth uses at the beginning of his radio show. I was introduced to him not too long ago (a year or two perhaps) but it wasn't until recently that I started listening to his radio show and iTunes podcasts.

Why am I talking about Sith Roth?

Well... because he has done a wonderful job hunting down people who have had 'supernatural' encounters with God or heavenly beings, hence the name for his show - "It's Supernatural."

There have been a few episodes of individuals who have not necessarily have personal encounters with God, but they have received revelations or inside information about certain topics that are relevant to our generation, our times, our society.

I recently attended a conference given by a gentleman who appeared in a recent episode of It's Supernatural, where I met a really nice family. They asked me how I learned about this particular speaker, so I told them I saw him on Sid Roth. I was a little surprised that none of them had ever heard about Sid Roth, so that is why I am writing about him.

If you've never watched his show, or listen to his radio program, let me tell you that you are seriously missing out!

Of course, there is always that one who will disagree with anything that is broadcasted on the show, or who will be very leery, but for those who enjoy fresh, divine revelations from Heaven, it is a must watch!

I have also ordered a few of the materials that elaborate on each guests appearances on the show, so I will be doing a 'review' of them in the near future, so stay tuned!

New Direction

Courtesy of Google Images

Whew!! It's been such a long time since I've posted an entry on my blog. I had given up blogging because of the lack of time, but I've come to realize that there is never enough time in one's day, so I've taken on a challenge to try to update regularly, as much as possible.

There are so many things that I want to write about, yet not everything is worthy of publishing, nevertheless, I will attempt to keep this blog informative/useful for those who care to follow it.

I've also felt compelled to take on a different direction as to the meaning of this blog, because in the grand scheme of things, politics is only a small part of our daily lives, but our walk with Yahweh [God] is (or should be) the main part of our lives, the very reason of our existence.

I don't claim to have it all figured out, but I make an effort to try to draw closer to Yahweh, and as I draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to me - that is the reason for this blog, so is the name.

In lieu of a 'real' blog entry, I will embed the song that inspired my new blog's name, a song that certainly inspires me daily to let myself be lead "to the cross."

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